Sunday, November 11, 2012


Baking brownies is a great group activity. I was planning on having dessert ready when our family friends came over, but I got busy with other things and didn't have a chance to throw anything together. So their daughters and I decided to make dessert. I suggested brownies. Obviously brownies are always popular. But the real motivation was that there are different simple tasks--chunking up chocolate bars, melting chocolate and butter, sifting flour, etc--that are perfect for little helpers to do (well the melting chocolate was for a slightly less little helper (she'd probably be annoyed that I think of her as little, but that's how it goes with people you knew when they were babies). I digress. Plus there's no need for an electric mixer for brownies, so its nice to take turns mixing.

On a related note, the brownies we made were very good. They are from Nigella Lawson's new (well not new, but newest) cookbook Nigella Kitchen. They really are good and simple. Unfortunately I'm still not used to having a convection oven and I can't figure out if there is a way to use it without the fan, so these got slightly over baked. Happily they were still delicious, just not as gooey as I like my brownies. And most importantly we all had fun!

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