Friday, July 10, 2015

Spring Pea Guacamole

A few weeks ago, the Internet, to use a technical term, freaked out over a New York Times recipe for guacamole with green peas in it. Apparently President Obama doesn't like the prospect of peas in his guacamole--and things spiraled from there. If you'd like to hear the whole story, you can check it out here:

Well I heard about this and thought peas sounded like a nice addition to guacamole. It's a pretty standard recipe: avocados, roasted jalapeƱos, spring onions, and lime. The only real difference is the spring peas mashed in (and the sunflower seeds on top, I suppose).

It was really good. Obviously it wasn't traditional guacamole and it didn't taste like it. But in its own right, it was good! The texture was denser than normal, but the flavor was light and very fresh. It's a hearty, healthy dip that closely resembles guacamole but is its own dish. (FYI: I was lazy and didn't roast the jalapeƱos first, so they were slighly harsher than they should have been. It was still good, but I'm guessing it would have bee better if I'd taken the extra time and effort to roast them.)
If you are interested, here's the recipe:

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