Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chocolate Orange Truffles

These were really, really nice! They are a traditional French truffle, but with a bit of orange liqueur added to the ganache filling. I've made truffles before, but we did two things very differently here. First, we didn't allow the ganache to set fully before shaping it--that way we could pipe it out rather than having to scoop close to 100 truffles by hand. Also we coated them in two layers of tempered chocolate, which is how truffles are traditionally made, but not how I did them at home, mainly because I'd never tempered chocolate at home and a double coat seemed like too much trouble. It is a pain, but worth while because the ganache can expand and crack the chocolate and leak out if there is just one layer.

You may notice that they are a bit rough looking. That's because they are meant to be. Truffles are named after the mushroom by the same name and are meant to look somewhat natural.

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