Sunday, April 19, 2015

Kumquatini~with recipe!

This is a martini made with kumquat simple syrup (see? I told you that it'd be turning up everywhere), a dash of bitters, and a measure of grand marnier. I rimmed the glass with Demerara sugar and tossed in a candied kumquat for good measure. Delicious.

Just for fun, here's the recipe for two small(ish) kumquatinis:

  • Ice
  • 3 oz gin
  • 1 oz grand marnier (or another orange liquor)
  • 2 tbsp kumquat simple syrup (equal parts water and sugar with kumquats, boiled three times)
  • 2 shakes bitters
  • Lemon
  • Demerara sugar
  1. First, rim the glasses: take a small wedge of lemon and run it along the rim of the martini glass. Turn the glass upside down into a saucer of the sugar. Repeat for the other glass.
  2. Put a single candied kumquat in each glass.
  3. Put ice, gin, grand mariner, simple syrup, and bitters into a shaker.
  4. Shake.
  5. Pour.
  6. Finish with a tiny squeeze lemon.
  7. Enjoy.

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