Saturday, April 4, 2015

Candied Kumquats

I see more and more recipes pop up on places like pinterest that use kumquats. Kumquats, a diminutive citrus fruit with an edible peel, happened to appear at my grocery store recently. I had to get in on the kumquat craze, so I bought some. I didn't necessarily think through the fact that, with Passover starting, my recipe options would be somewhat limited. That's okay, I decided to candy them and figure things out later. After all I love candied citrus! 

I found a recipe in the NY Times for candying kumquats. I'm not sure if it's the recipe, me, or just kumquats, but they gave up their juices to the simple syrup they were being boiled in and got a bit prune-y looking. That's alright though, the kumquats and the syrup (stored together in a ball jar in my fridge) tasted delicious and will appear in a couple of upcoming posts!

Sorry about the oven mitt under the jar,
 it doesn't look pretty but nor would my wood table if I put a glass jar of scalding hot syrup directly on the newly refinished surface.

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