Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Apple Pie


My friend Sophie wanted to try out her new pie cookbook, but she didn't really want to make her first pie alone.  So she came over on Saturday so we could bake it together.  We were going to eat it at the games night she was having that evening.  We were planning on playing the game Apples to Apples (which was very fun, by the way), so we decided on apple pie.  Both of us are huge fans of cinnamon so we wanted a pie with lots of it and I wanted to make a double crust pie.  Only one of the three apple pies in the book fit both requirements, so that's the one we made.  It was very, very good!  And surprisingly easy to make.

The pie crust dough was simple enough.  Although it didn't call for chilling before rolling it out, so we didn't chill it...that was a mistake!  It made it much harder to roll evenly and to transfer to the pie plate.  Ah well, it still turned out really well (all buttery and flakey and buttery).  And we learnt from the issues and chilled the top crust before we rolled it out.

The filling was tedious but easy to make.  It just involved a lot of peeling and chopping. It was very tasty before it went in the pie (we had to test it before we used it!) and even better cooked. Oh, by the way, we doubled the amount of cinnamon in the filling.

We put the top crust on and instead of pleating the overlap, we decided to pinch the edges together for a more traditional, neat look.  Rather than piercing the top to start, the recipe called for it to be left alone until it is firmed up, then you cut it into a checkerboard pattern.  It was a little unusual, but turns out it looked great.  We topped the pie with sugar and shoved it under the broiler until it caramelized.

To sum up: the pie looked and tasted amazing!

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