Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pan Fried Ravioli

I'm not sure fried is the best word for these; they are really sautéed ravioli. Basically, I cooked lovely, fresh, asparagus ravioli very al dente--about 2/3 of the normal cooking time. Then I gently drained them, put the still steaming hot ravioli in a pan with just a thin coat of olive oil, and cooked them on one side then the other until they were just golden and a bit crispy. Then I just drained them on a paper towel and served them with some marinara sauce. I think the tiny amount of oil I used means they weren't fried, but it didn't really feel like sautéing. They really don't teach you the exact definition of either in pastry school. Whatever I did to them, they were delicious and a really lovely appetizer! I think I will try this with different ravioli--perhaps pumpkin--soon.

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