Friday, September 16, 2011

Linzer Tart

This is not an easy tart to make, but it is well worth the effort. First you have to make the linzer dough, which is a very nice dough and not too difficult to make. Then you have to make the jam. That's right make the jam, from scratch.  Granted, you could use regular bakers jam, but this is so much better! And jam making while tedious is very satisfying. You also have to make almond cream, delicious. Finally, you compile the tart. That's done by lining the tart ring with a round of the dough (which by now you've let chill and have rolled's a soft dough so that's no easy feat.) Put a thin layer of almond cream in the bottom, then spread the completely cooled jam on top of it, taking care not to smudge the almond cream with the very thick jam. Then cut another round of dough into strips and make a lattice pattern--not to be confused with a basket weave in which the strips are woven rather than just laid in one direction than the other. Egg wash the dough on top, but not the jam. At that point it goes into the oven until browned (hard to tell since the dough is already brown...). Let cool and enjoy. Phew, done!

See what I mean about not being easy. Well at least it tastes absolutely superb! The nutty, spiced dough pairs so well with the raspberry jam and the almond cream. It's almost like a linzer cookie, but better!

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